Monday, April 13, 2009

Bong of the Dead: News, Movie Trailer, and Poster

"Bong of the Dead," from Mind in Motion head Thomas Newman is currently in post-production and the first trailer, with a one sheet poster, is now available for viewing. Starring Simone Bailly, Jy Harris, and Mark Wynn the eighteen hour day shooting schedule and fifteen day shoot involved over 800 gallons of blood to heighten several action sequences in the film. As well, Holly North with special effects guru Mike Fields put a little something special into the production of "Bong of the Dead," with massive amounts of gore for horror fans to enjoy. Awaiting an exact release date "Bong of the Dead," will likely be released in the Spring and when an official announcement is made as to the availability of the film this page will be updated. For now have a look at this spoof on the zombie films of the past, present, and future.

Synopsis for "Bong of the Dead..."

Edwin and Tommy are two stoner buddies who are the lone survivors of a mass zombie outbreak caused by falling meteorites. One day they discover a great zombie fertilizer that helps grow super potent pot. The problem is since the government has cleared out many of the major cities, there are no longer any zombies where they live, to use as fertilizer. In order for them to get more zombies for their pot growing operation they must go on a road trip to the "Danger Zone," where they hope to find and gather as many zombies as possible for their gardening project. But things do not go as expected when Edwin and Tommy step outside the wire (Bong).

Release Date: Spring, 2009.

Rating: Unknown.

Director: Thomas Newman.

Writer: Thomas Newman.

Cast: Simone Bailly, Jy Harris, and Mark Wynn.

A teaser trailer for "Bong of the Dead," here:

For additional photos from filming check here.



Anonymous said...

Oh god...I'm forgiving at the best of times but honestly, this film!

I'm sending your package today by the way.

- Zac

Michael Allen said...

My package...yes! I think I am getting ready for another contest since I have a CD, a DVD, and now a horror newsletter to give away, probably this weekend.

I thought this one looked pretty funny.