Sunday, May 15, 2011

Found Footage at Cannes '11 Produces The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes

More horror stories are creeping out of Cannes 2011, with Dimension Films and Miramax announcing a sequel to The Amityville Horror. This newest film will be titled The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes and the production will follow supernatural events at one of the most haunted locales, since 1976. A release date has already been set and film fans can scream bloody murder January, 2012.

The film is a "found footage" (Weinstein) style of film and one news reporter digs a little too deep to uncover tales of hauntings and woe. Jason Blum will produce (Paranormal Activity) and the early synopsis will upset you below.

The synopsis for The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes is here:

"The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes showcases the events after the time of the original The Amityville Horror book and movie through found footage dating back to 1976. An ambitious female television news intern, on the verge of breaking the most famous haunted house case in the world, leads a team of journalists, clergymen and paranormal researchers into an investigation of the bizarre events that will come to be known as The Amityville Horror ... only to unwittingly open a door to the unreal that she may never be able to close" (Weinstein).

Release Date: January 27, 2012.

Directors/writers: Casey La Scala and Daniel Farrands.

Producers: Jason Blum.


The Weinstein Company Upcoming Films

A must see:

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