Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mutants and Comparing Themes in the Zombie Horror Sub-genre: A Movie Review

Director: David Morlet.

Writers: Louis-Paul Desanges and David Morlet.

Mutants is a French film from David Morlet ("Bitten"), which was distributed on DVD October, 26th in North America. The non-communicative IFC Films and MPI Home Video both helped facilitate the release, with the film being called an homage to: "Danny Boyle's modern classic 28 Days Later" (Scott Weinberg, Fearnet). The chilling atmosphere between these two films is shared, but Morlet's approach is focused more on the relationships in a zombie apocalypse and biblical references, rather than family loss, or military corruption.

The film incorporates a couple of dead end subplots. However, Mutants is centrally of a romantic union between the infected Marco (Francis Renaud) and Sonia (Helene de Fougerolles). Sonia's efforts to save Marco from complete infection involve persuasion, communication with a local military base (Noah), and a hit and run battle with a group of malingering bandits. The film switches gears and pacing in the middle, with Morlet showing a penchant for both gory action and involving characters.

One element that a lot of reviews have missed on this title is that Noah is a connection to the biblical figure. Both the military base in the film and Noah's Ark offer refuge in an apocalyptic climate. This safe zone is the hope from which Sonia draws strength and hope is a quality you want, as friend turns to hungry, aggressive beasts.

Critic Weinberg compares 28 Days Later with Mutants through the following: "this film is about a world in which a horrible virus has rendered most of the population dead or dying a slow death as a ravenously violent beast" (Fearnet). Yet, this is a general comparison at best. Most zombie genred films have violent beasts e.g. Dawn of the Dead (2004), Pontypool, and Colin. All three of these films are set in an apocalyptic world setting; so, comparing 28 Days Later to Mutants with this example is not specific enough, nor relevant.

The themes between these two films are also varied. For example, in 28 Days Later there is an underlining motif of anarchy or political corruption, as those responsible for protection and safety, the military, are those leading to the character's destruction. The threat to the characters in Mutants is also externally focused, but from a different source. The infection of multiple characters from an unknown disease is the cause of distress, while the military offers a beacon of hope through the rescue of Sonia, in the final scene.

As a final note, the relationship between Sonia and Marco is what sets this film apart. Yes, the relationship between an infected so-called zombie and an uninfected character has been done before e.g. Colin. However, here the character Sonia sacrifices everything she has for love. She forgoes her safety, sets aside her primary goal (reaching Noah), and puts her time and energy into saving Marco from further infection. In the film Colin, the relationship is an addendum to the plot and the resolution to Colin's motivations. In Colin the relationship is secondary, while in Mutants the couple's interactions are primary.

This film is a must see. This title will be on this reviewer's top ten horror list later this month and the film is recommended for those looking for some depth in their zombie apocalyptic cinema. Morlet offers at least two layers of genres by allowing for gory action in some scenes and heartfelt interactions in others. This is a film deserving of being owned by zombie fans.

Overall: 8.5 out of 10 (-1 for the change of pacing in the middle which is realistic but not entirely necessary, -.5 for not explaining the virus in a little more detail - what is happening globally?).

A second review of this film at Fearnet:

Mutants is Reviewed by Scott Weinberg Here

A third review of the film from Ulises Silva, where this reviewer gets stuck in a minor theme involving us vs. them, or us vs. us:

Mutants is Reviewed by Silva at Quiet Earth

A synopsis and trailer can be found on this film here:

Mutants on 28DLA

This film is highly recommended:

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