Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[Rec] 2 and the Devil's Wrath: A Movie Review

Directors: Jaume Balaguero, and Paco Plaza.

Writers: Jaume Balaguero, and Manu Diez.

[Rec] 2 is Filmax production, which picks up right where the first film left off, plus fifteen minutes. Filmax is one of the larger production and distribution companies based in Europe and this same organization provided [Rec] to North America in 2007. Now, Magnet Releasing is distributing director Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza's latest. [Rec] 2 adds more to the myth of an infection created from the blood of a young demon possessed girl. Staying close to the original, [Rec] 2 adds interesting visuals to a claustrophobic, isolated set where the pacing is fast and natural along with some interlacing story lines that keep the film unfocused yet exciting.

Ten minutes in to the film and there is the first brutal encounter between a SWAT team and their political envoy, who is a Minister of Health, and a lone infected resident. This heavily armed escort is slowly broken down in piecemeal fashion as a virulent disease spreads amongst the group and the inhabitants of a quarantined apartment building. The source of infection is found to be supernatural and God's arch enemy has mysterious plans for the cure and the human race in general.

One has to really appreciate the effort that Balaguero and Plaza put in to the visual sphere of the film. The infected are dispatched spectacularly with flaming rockets, close-in pistol shots, automatic gunfire, and with help from divine intervention - all with enhanced CGI. The film review site Cinema Blend says of the camerawork in [Rec] 2; "the...shaky cam style of the original film gets an upgrade in the sequel," (Cinema) and the various directing techniques are what sets these films apart from others in the genre. Few directors can put the viewer in to the film so effectively as Balaguero and Plaza with helmet cams', hand-held recorders, and night-vision lenses leading the way.

The amplified pacing of the film is slightly slowed by a smaller story of three adolescents entering the quarantined apartment building as a prank, with the excitement building afterwards to a rewarding climax. These three young adults enact ridiculous behaviours and create friendly fire situations in an already decimated and outnumbered SWAT team. The kids get in the way, but their introduction is meant to break up the intensity of the film, but slows down the film instead. However, there are enough thrills in [Rec] 2 to keep fans wanting more as one point-of-view battle shows the forces of evil almost overwhelming the dumbfounded mortal forces who seem to be fighting for both the forces of light and darkness.

Magnet Releasing has already provided [Rec] 2 to horror fans via a video-on-demand feature June 4th and the film will have a follow-up limited theatrical release July 9th. This reviewer encourages fans to see the film on the big screen where the exciting visuals of [Rec] 2 can be seen in splendour. More info' on the film is provided below along with two other positive reviews for the film.

Photography/composition/camera techniques: 8 (the standard is really being set here in the category of camera/directing techniques).
Editing/continuity/pacing: 7 (the pacing is fast with a second story slowing down the film a little too much).
Story/plot/writing: 7 (picking up right where the former film left off is effective in making the two films cohesive, which also sets this film up to be a success).

Overall: 7.15 out of 10 (superb, expect the North American remake soon - guessing).

A movie review of [Rec] 2 at Cinema Blend:

[Rec] 2 Reviewed at Cinema Blend

[Rec] 2 reviewed at Horror

[Rec] 2 at Horror Movies

The [Rec] 2 homepage:

[Rec] 2 Official Website

[Rec] 2 on Facebook with lots more film reviews:

[Rec] 2 on FB

A red band trailer for the film here on 28DLA:

[Rec] 2 Restricted Trailer

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Hi Michael,

On behalf of Magnolia Pictures and the movie’s producers, many thanks for plugging "[REC] 2" ... .. thanks also, on behalf of the distributors and producers, for not posting any pirate copies or non-trailer clips of “[REC] 2” and if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, previews, then the official trailer for “[REC] 2” is available for fans and bloggers to post/ host / share etc via the official site and IGN at and ... .. for further details of on-line promotions for this movie and Magnolia releases generally, check-out and their official YouTube channel at .

Thanks again for your plug.
