Monday, May 24, 2010

A Preview of Devanny Pinn in Trial by Terror's No Escape from Hell!

Devanny Pinn, seen left will star in No Escape from Hell as Coral "a down and out...girl" who unfortunately gets entangled with the wrong people and soon finds herself in a sex ring (Trial). Co-starring are James Furey (Walking Distance), Julin Jean (Spirit Camp), Jessica Hutson (Blood Trap) and Tara Cardinal as the abductors, or abductees in his homage to '70s grindhouse (Moody). Have a read of an early synopsis for the feature and join the film's fan site for updates.

The synopsis for the film here:

"In No Escape From Hell, Coral is a down and out of luck girl who gets asked by two beautiful next door neighbors (Julin Jean and Tara Cardinal) to come get some easy money. Soon, all three find themselves in a sex ring and must figure out a way to escape" (Trial).

Directors/writers: Jonathan Moody, Anthony Colliano and Coven Delacruz.

Cinematrography: Johnny Lazarus.

Editing: David Wood.

Trial by Terror on Facebook (fan site):

Trial by Terror on FB

*Filming wraps in July.

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