Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Disturbed's First Behind the Scenes Clip

The Disturbed is a Silent Edge Film's production that has already moved into pre-production, with 2011 the expected release date. The Disturbed begins in the realm of a slasher film, but branches out into family tragedy, the pain of secrets, and the lengths that everyone goes to avoid embarrassment, judgement, and shame (Disturbed). Still in the early stages the film's synopsis can be found below and a behind the scenes trailer, which is very funny, can be found at the film's fansite, which is also below.

A synopsis for The Disturbed here:

"The Disturbed opens up with the escape of a psychotic killer, from a mental institution, and then centers around a group of bank robbers who encounter the killer at a vacation home in small town Louisiana" (Disturbed).

Release Date: 2011.

Director: Cyril Augustin and Scott Hansen.

Writer: Cyril Augustin and Derrick Johnson.

Cast: Megan Woods, J.D. Hakes, Jay Gates, Rachael Lang, Derrick Johnson, and Jessica Hutson.

A behind the scenes clip for The Disturbed here (very good):

The Disturbed Fan Site on Facebook

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