Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Diary of the Dead 2 Moves into Production this Summer!

Thriller review site Horror Movies.ca is announcing that Romero will helm a sequel to Diary of the Dead. Diary of the Dead 2 will move in to production this summer with a release date forthcoming. This sequel will have a siege and a glorious battle between the living and the living dead (Horror). A partial synopsis is available below until some casting is revealed, hopefully, soon.

A synopsis for Diary of the Dead 2 here:

"Our heroes, trapped in the mansion where we left them, battle waves of ravenous zombies, barely escaping alive. In search of a safe place to settle, they commandeer an abandoned ferry and sail to a deserted island, only to find that it is already populated by a civilization of the dead" (Horror).

Release Date: Unknown.

Director: George Romero.

Writer: Unknown (likely Romero).

Cast: Unknown.

*Told in first person.

