Monday, February 22, 2010

The Queen of Scream Brooke Lewis is Giving Away DVDs

Slice of Sci-Fi has a deadly little contest going on with Slice Queen Brooke Lewis supporting. Readers who enter get a chance to win not one, but two DVDs. The titles being auctioned off are Marc Clebanoff's Break and the horror production iMurders iMurders Movie Revew. Both copies are signed by Brooke Lewis the Queen of Scream, herself. The contest has been running since February 12, so get over to Slice of Sci-Fi before the March 6th giveaway! A few more details are available below on Brooke Lewis, the contest, and both films.

The iMurders plotline:

“This is the Internet. For some, it is one of the great innovations of the modern world, a pathway to knowledge, growth and new experiences. But for one group of people who share a common chat room, it could be the instrument of their destruction. When members of this social networking website are brutally murdered in succession, one person’s past holds the key to the gruesome mystery. As the number of survivors decreases, they begin to believe that the killer might be one of them.”

The plotline for Break:

“When the city’s crime boss, known only as “The Man,” discovers that he’s terminally ill, he enlists Frank to carry out his own assassination. “The Man,” however, is selfish and jealous, and doesn’t want to die alone, and makes it clear to Frank that he is to take out the woman he loves too. When Frank discovers that The Woman is his own long lost lover, Frank alters the job. In an action-packed chain of events, riddled with dark humor and visual spectacle, Frank and The Woman take on their enemies.”

**To enter the contest "send an email to contest[at]sliceofscifi[dot]com. Please put 'Slice Queen DVD'in the subject line, and please don’t forget to include your name and shipping address in the body of the email" (Slice).**

Or go to Slice of Sci-Fi and find the contest info' directly:

DVD Giveaway at Slice of Sci-Fi

If you do not win there are almost always other solutions:


iMurders Review here at 28DLA

Queen of Slice DVD Contest at Slice of Sci-Fi

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