Friday, February 12, 2010

King of the Rocket Men: A Retro Review

King of the Rocket Men is a serial that was released in the 1940s and currently the episodes are being distributed by Cheezy Flicks. The current copy at Cheezy Flicks includes twelve full episodes that generally run at fifteen minutes each. In episode one, the central protagonist gets his wings in order to take on Dr. Vulcan and his many cohorts.

The first episode is full of dramatic music, light on dialogue and heavy on action. Over sixty years old, King of the Rocket Men is from an era that involved many themes like war, espionage, and scientific advancements. All of these themes come through in this television series. In this first episode an atomic rocket is launched accidentally at a nearby town. Enter Rocket Man/Men!

Rocket Men, while more science-fiction than horror, is an interesting, short escape, that shows what entertainment was like in the 1940s. Rich in the special effects of the time, Rocket Men goes to great lengths in order to entertain the viewer. The Rocket Man goes back and forth on a guided string, with explosions going off often and the many punch-ups keep the film light and the pacing quick.

Have a look at King of the Rocket Men at Cheezy Flicks below and check out many of the other selections, that date from the 1940s and earlier to recent titles like the horror, thriller feature Penance. Cheezy Flicks has a wide assortment of films in their catalog and King of the Rocket Men is only one of several highlights.

Cheezy Flicks Catalog

Penance Review:

Penance Movie Review Here

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