Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bat Pig Swoops in with The Housesitter

Bat Pig Pictures is getting ready to move into full production on the thriller The Housesitter. The film takes on a myth from South Florida in which a young woman committed suicide in a condominium complex. In the film, character Whitney babysits for a sleazy boss where: "a serial killer has also taken up residence" (Housesitter)! A full synopsis is below and some of the cast has been announced. Brandon Slagle, and John Kyle will star, with a release for the pictured expected in 2011. For those who are curious about the project, a synopsis and further crew details are below.

The synopsis for The Housesitter:

"Whitney, a young psychology student, is house sitting for her sleazy boss. Little does she know a serial killer has also taken up residence under the same roof. One by one, the people around her beginning seemingly disappearing into the shadows as both her father and boyfriend aide her is uncovering the truth about what is really going on" (Housesitter).

Release Date: 2011.

Director: Robert Gordon Spencer.

Writer: Drew Henriksen, Robert Gordon Spencer and Jonathon Moody.

*An extra short tidbit. The Housesitter will be one of the few independent films to produce a musical soundtrack for the film. More details to follow.


Robert Gordon Spencer. Interview. 19 February 2010.

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