Monday, April 25, 2016

Hailee Needs a Priest not a Midwife in this Preview for Abyzou: Taker of Children

Abyzou: Taker of Children is an upcoming indie horror title. From both Grimbridge Productions and Lock it Down Productions, Abyzou focuses on a Hebrew demon of lore. This mythological entity inhabits the womb of the unfortunate. Recently, a trailer for the film was released; it can be found below. As well, the film is moving through post-production, with a Kickstarter campaign in full swing. Fans of smaller horror productions can find more on the film here.

The film's official synopsis focuses on a couple. Hailee (Zeeva Halpern) and Dylan (Topher Hansson) have returned from a vacation, in Israel. Unknowingly, Hailee's womb has become possessed by an infernal offspring. Now, Hailee is experiencing the worst morning sickness ever as Abyzou burrows its way deeper into her stomach.

Grimbridge Productions might be best known for the horror comedy "The Horrors of Autocorrect." This short film was shown on Eli Roth's very own Crypt TV. Now, this production company is moving into more serious material, which will shock horror fans. All of the available details on Abyzou: Taker of Children are hosted below.

Release Date: TBA.

Director/writer: Jordan Pacheco.

Cast: Topher Hansson and Jaquelyn Fabian.

The film's proof-of-concept trailer is hosted here:

"The Horrors of Autocorrect" can be seen, in its entirety, here:

Grimbridge Productions on Facebook

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