Friday, October 17, 2014

What Awaits in Hangar 10? An Alien Armada and Lives in Peril (First Trailer)

A new horror and sci-fi thriller titled Hangar 10 is coming to theatres. This film, from the United Kingdom, brings extraterrestrials to a remote Royal Air Force base. They might be invading, or they might be looking for new friends. Either way, Hangar 10 will release through video-on-demand, this November 7th, 2014. If you are in the Los Angeles area, the film will also release in a few select theatres. Hangar 10 has been directed by Daniel Simpson (Spiderhole) and the script was developed by Adam Preston. Your trip to another world begins here.

The synopsis begins with Rendlesham Forest. In this glade, there is a UFO hiking trail, which leads to? Three metal detector enthusiasts are determined to find what is at the end of that trail, but they might not like what they find. An alien fleet of spacecraft looms in the sky and creatures lurk below.

The trailer for Hangar 10 is here. The clip is shot a la found footage. Full of special effects, the trailer hosts an explosion or two as these friends try to uncover a hidden, governmental secret.

Release Date: November 7th, 2014 (VOD).

Director: Daniel Simpson.

Writers: Adam Preston and Daniel Simpson.

Cast: Robert Curtis.

An alien armada descends here:

*IFC Films will distribute this title.

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