Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CW's "Supernatural" Plays with Meaning in "Survival of the Fittest:" A Television Review

*spoiler Alert

Director: Robert Singer.

Writer: Sera Gamble.

Some supernaturally charged television series can age very well like cheese, and others should be discarded when it is starting to look moldy. With how mismanaged "Survival of the Fittest" went in showing who will live and who will die, maybe the boys should consider calling it quits. With Bobby Singer finally moving on, and Dean tossed into Purgatory, just how Sam will cope may be the focus of next season.

Castiel was with Dean when they confronted Dick Roman, and before dying, the Leviathan sent them on a one way trip back to Purgatory! The lone angel may not be able to protect a single Winchester forever. At least the old Cas that viewers grew to love is back. His trademark gravelly voice was sorely missed. Even his counterpart, the
demonic Crowley, shows he has always been heard but not seen.

Ever since this King of Hell revealed that he was captured by Roman, the Winchesters were more than cautious. They do not know who to trust, but they still decided to take the direct approach to kill the leader.
In an episode which operates very much like the Breakfast Club of heavy hitters, this season feels more like a write-off, and hopefully the first episode the next season will continue right where they ended than to jump ahead. Dean needs to spend time in Purgatory, and some potentially great survival stories can be made.

Maybe the angel disappeared off to to get reinforcements. Since some of these sea dwellers did get sent back, the series writers may have decided to extend the Leviathan storyline for just a little bit longer.

But back on Earth, Sam has a lot of questions to ask, and one huge mess to take care of when the authorities arrive to ask what happened to Roman. With no one by his side, just who can Sam partner with to help provide answers? Meg was taken away by Crowley, Officer Judy Mills might step up and Frank Devereaux is assumed to be dead.

Also, the Chosen One (Kevin Tran) is going to be important in the next season because Crowley needs him. As for exactly what, that remains to be seen. In terms of being one of the better villains that have graced the Supernatural world, this King of Hell proves that he is the best of the best. Even he can make Lucifer blush. Ever since his appearance in "Abandon All Hope (season five)," he has proven many times that he is a force to be reckoned with. This character is far more complex than a Rubik’s Cube. And Mark Sheppard shows that he loves being despicable. He is one of those actors that deserves more than recognition, but an award for simply being bad.

A season with Crowley being a prolonged antagonist is one that many viewers will certainly welcome. He is the king in more ways than one, even though anyone who holds a vial of his blood can control him. And he is careful in whom he makes deals with. That's why the contract he made Dick Roman sign important. If any blood is to be shared, Crowley wants it signed, sealed and delivered. The episode did start off very well with the classic deal with the devil moment, but as for whether or not Crowley owns Roman's soul since he is beyond dead, only next season will tell.

Audiences have to remember that a soul is like a battery for angels and demons. Whoever owns a Leviathan's soul (presumably they have one) has a lot of power! That is what being fit is all about.

Overall: 6 out of 10.

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Supernatural at the CW

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