Monday, April 16, 2012

First Looks at John Muscarnero's The Harper's Field Footage

Writer John Muscarnero (Dark Woods) has released a concept poster, teaser trailer and photos to excite audiences for his latest passion project, The Harper’s Field Footage. This intense and gritty realistic horror film looks at the last days of a film crew out to document the hunt for a man-eating bear said to be prowling about in the foothills of Northern Los Angeles. To be specific, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at an area that is simply known as Harper's Field.

The concept poster contrasts the blood red photo with monochromatic black as Chloe Moore tries to remain alive under the crushing darkness. But can she survive the night? Bears and bloodletting horror collide in a tale that will leave everyone traumatized. The film releases in 2014!

This trailer is designed to excite and the photo is created to tantalize viewers of what may be Chloe’s (Chloe Moore) last day in the woods. In the video, the sense of feeling trapped while under the tarp is all that is needed as the weight of an impending doom arrives at the campsite.

In the photo, the wide-angle perspective gives a sense of a sweltering world around the woman before it collapses upon her.

This pseudo-documentary was filmed in the San Bernadino Mountains after Muscarnero heard stories of a real man-eating bear prowling about northern Los Angeles.

Release Date: 2013.

Director/writer: John Muscarnero.

Producers: Mark Shady, John Muscarnero.

Co-producer: Mike Escobedo.

Executive Producers: JJ Stevens, Kevin Day and John Zingg.

Associate Producers: Mariah Davis, and Cindy Zingg.

Cast: John Muscarnero, Kevin Day, Chloe Moore, Mark Shady, and John Muscarnero II.

The trailer for The Harper's Field Footage is here:

The film's website is below:

The Harper's Field Footage Official Website

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