Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Eternal Brings Death-by-warrior in this Preview: Concept Poster

The Eternal is an occult film that deals with a suicidal vampire. This film is currently in the pre-production stages, with a poster above and The Eternal is a follow-up to 2008's Ending the Eternal. In this latest film, Samuel Gradius has lived for 500 years. His inability to die is driving him mad and he believes that the only solution to his immortal existence is a warrior's death. Is there anyone who can beat him? Those who enjoy the vampire horror genre can bite into these early details with shooting to begin on The Eternal in 2012.

Tagline: "Kill or Suffer."

Status: Pre-production.

Director/writer/producer: Justin McConnell.

Co-writer/producer: Kevin Hutchinson.

Executive producer: Lorne Gross.

Cast: Adam Kenneth Wilson.

Find more details on this film at The Eternal homepage:

The Eternal's Homepage


Unstable Ground (Development)

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