Monday, July 18, 2011

"Falling Skies" Episode 6 "Sanctuary: Part 1" and Watching Your Back: A Television Review

*here be some minor spoilers.

Creator/writer: Robert Rodat.

Episode 6 of "Falling Skies" aired Sunday, July 17th and "Sanctuary: Part 1" is part one of two episodes. In Episode 6 the action seems to ramp up partially in this science fiction thriller. New characters are introduced and an early robbery shows the desperation of some of the survivors. As well, a climactic ending begins a new story arc. All of these elements take place in a series that has already garnered a welcomed second season.

Dust litters the streets, cars lay abandoned and a family tries to make off with the 2nd Mass' hard drug supply. This sets the soldiers on the hunt for the culprit quickly and an early conflict paves the way for the introduction of a survivor of the destroyed 7th Mass'. This soldier on the run tells tales of decimated militia units and of a looming attacking force. Much of the first half of the show is then dedicated to the defence of a local hijacked high school. This location now serves as the final battle line for the 2nd Mass'. Understandably, those in the school are antsy of the coming Skitters and Mechs, who promise death in just a few days.

One of the major plot developments in this episode will be avoided, so that viewers can get updated on the show themselves. However, some characters are not who they initially appear to be. This sets up the tension for the upcoming episode, "Sanctuary: Part 2." This puts man against man, rather than man against alien. If you cannot trust your comrade watching your back, then who can you trust?

Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) and Captain Weaver (Will Patton) will soon have to fight a battle on two sides, as the alien forces seem to be homing in on their location. Thus, some of the thrills are returning to the show, which seemed to be diminishing in Episodes 4 ("Grace") and 5 ("Silent Kill"). There is a transition in this showing. The new plotline seems to be bringing Tom and his crew closer to the alien hostile force. As well, the appearance of Pope (Colin Cunningham) late in the show seems to promise a reunion with this loner and the 2nd Mass'. This reunion will not be a pleasant one, as Pope has drawn much of the alien attention to the 2nd Mass' through his questionable military tactics.

In sum, Episode 6, "Sanctuary: Part 1" is bringing the show to a building climax, with the introduction of some nefarious characters. The old saying still rings true, for some: "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." In this case, joining the enemy forces means losing all sense of self-awareness, while committing yourself to a life of forced labour. Hopefully, future episodes maintain the intensity seen here. "Falling Skies" is slowly developing into a solid television thriller, with many of the conflicts and betrayals that sometimes come with survivalist living.

Overall: 7.5 out of 10 (lots of intro' and outro' of characters, good pacing, lots of subplots).

More info' on "Falling Skies" can be found at the show's website at TNT:

Falling Skies at Turner Network Television

An accompanying novel for the series is listed here:

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