Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Leatherface 3D Will Bring Out the Chainsaws Once More Thanks to Lionsgate

Some early production details are coming in on another Texas Chainsaw Massacre film, titled Leatherface 3D. Early crew details state that John Luessenhop (Takers) will direct (Horror) and actor Bill Moseley has been cast to play the part of Drayton, a member of the notorious cannibal family the Sawyers. A distributor has already been found for this title - Lionsgate and Leatherface 3D will begin with vigilante or mob justice. Those around the Sawyer home find the source of several murders around their hometown and they decide to string the culprits up for a hanging That might be a bad idea, when you are dealing with a chainsaw wielding psychopath! Have a look at an early synopsis for the film, courtesy of

The synopsis for Leatherface 3D:

"The new film, set today, will see the authorities and some angry townspeople ambushing the Sawyer home -- where Jeb Stuart is accused of carrying out his butchering.

Hooper, the local by-the-book sheriff, had agreed to give Leatherface/Jeb Sawyer a fair trial and grant him a good lawyer…. But that’s before local mayor Burt Hartman, an imposing town tough-guy, arrives with a mob to see that the murderer/s don’t even make it past their front door. Though they both want justice, Hooper and Burt have different methods. Things escalate when Burt’s mob start tying ropes to trees, prepping for a hanging, and ultimately throw a flaming cocktail into the Sawyer home… burning the place, and it’s residents (including Jeb’s father, Drayton, played by Bill Moseley), to the ground.

Goodbye Sawyers… goodbye Leatherface?" (Horror Movies).

Release Date: 2013.

Director: John Luessenhop.

Cast: Bill Moseley.


Leatherface 3D at What's Playing

Leatherface 3D at Horror

Director John Luessenhop has also directed Takers and Lockdown, seen here:

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