Wednesday, March 09, 2011

CW's Supernatural and The Paring Down of a Family Line: A Television Review (...And Then There Were None)

Creator: Eric Kripke.

The slate is being wiped clean in CW's latest episode of Supernatural. In "...And Then There Were None," there is more than just a family reunion going on before the season goes into repeats. If this implied whittling down of the numbers is any indication, the Winchester Brothers will soon be in over their heads.

Thankfully, after some time has passed, the Mother-of-All story arc returns. The girl who appeared at the end of "Like a Virgin," is identified as Eve and she has the power of creation. At will, she can create new monsters, and she starts her carnage by creating a worm like creature that controls the victim by, presumably, attaching itself to the brain.

Fortunately, there's no rocket science involved in Supernatural. Fans familiar with the Vancouver, BC's television production scene aka Hollywood North will most likely know that it is the home to many science fiction based shows. One almost has to wonder why this creature Eve created is akin to Stargate SG-1's Goa'ld. Unoriginality aside, if Eve is going to create a new race of monstrosities, let us hope it can go in the direction of some place new than uninspired.

But in what Eve has done to the Winchester/Campbell family line, the brothers have a family reunion that would eventually happen. Early on in season six, after Sam was used by Samuel Campbell (Mitch Pileggi) as bait, Sam promised that the next time he sees grandpa, he is dead. That order is fulfilled; Samuel and Gwen are unceremoniously killed off as the alien parasite jumps between hosts and cause both Dean and Samuel to do things they were already prepared to do. When that is put in contrast to Sam's own dilemma of: "I will not kill," a greater picture is being painted about what may have been in Sam back when he was without a soul.

But as one family line is buried, another one strongly develops. Bobby's hunting days with Rufus are explored. In some respects, these two are no different than Sam and Dean. But even Rufus goes six-feet under, and there is very little for the three survivors to look forward to.

Bobby's eulogy to Rufus is beautiful in the sense that he talks about what it means to wipe the slate clean. It can only be achieved in death. In what Sam is looking for, it is to atone for what he has done when he was without a soul. Even Samuel looked ready to reveal some of those dark secrets before he was shot. Given the circumstances of who guards that wall inside Sam, he acted on instinct.

In what is to come, the series is potentially telling a story similar to Genesis in the Bible. With the Mother of All being named Eve, one has to wonder how much of the Biblical tale will be told. Family turning on one another is part of the tale, but other parts have been rewritten. In what's to come, more bloodshed will no doubt occur as the civil war in Heaven continues. Someone has to push the reset switch in the world above and that may mean a Great Flood.

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