Thursday, March 10, 2011

15 Till Midnight and Infinite Possibilities: A Movie Review

*Full disclosure: a screener of this film was provided by writer Brandon Slagle.

**Here be some spoilers.

Director: Wolfgang Meyer.

Writer: Brandon Slagle.

15 Till Midnight definitely belongs in the sci-fi genre, as the script twists and turns between parallel worlds. Some know about these other worlds, while others go about their daily lives. Lukas Reyes (Brandon Slagle) is one such "Knower" (15) and he spends much of his time trying to track his evil duplicate, or recovering his pregnant wife. Other Knowers interfere, until 15 Till Midnight explodes, like two crashing celestial bodies. Soon to be available to sci-fi fans everywhere, 15 Till Midnight generates interest through a complex story, while the pacing sometimes threatens to derail this independent feature.

Much of the story has been broken down above and the parallel world theme has been used in such features as Dark City, Alice in Wonderland and Jumanji. Each of these films opens up the imagination to what can and does likely exist. 15 Till Midnight will tell viewers that there are infinite choices available, through infinite lives. So, making a mistake here or there seems irrelevant, as your infinite number of doubles gets right what you get wrong.

15 Till Midnight also introduces viewers to Sera (Andrea Chen), who is the love interest with a problem. Drama requires obstacles and here, Lukas must face the possibility of infidelity. The melodrama does not end here, as a mysterious Knower attempts to pull these two apart, for good. No romance is ever simple, which is what film, television and literature tell us and some of the best stories involve those separated by circumstance e.g. Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde and Trump and Ivanka. Overcoming these obstacles is what makes the central character a hero, rather than the interfering heel.

Offers are currently being finalized on this insightful film, with a distribution date to follow shortly. Full of mystery and fantasy, 15 Till Midnight pleases through cautious character development and the musical soundtrack. Composer Isaias Garcia has created musical selections that influence the emotional feel of the film, while each of the actors lives up to high standard. The pacing is hampered by some overly long shots, but everything unfolds in time.

This title is for those who like a challenge from their storyline and science fiction fans will not have to wait much longer, as 15 Till Midnight will release in 2012. Give this independent film a try, for something both of this world and of many others, as Lukas uses his powers of insight to unravel secrets of other dimensions.

Overall: 8 out of 10 (suspenseful storyline, good acting, thrills, some slowing down, and the ending tries to be a little too complex).

The film's fan page is here:

15 Till Midnight on Facebook

A second review of the film is here, at Big Daddy Horror Reviews:

15 Till Midnight at Big Daddy Horror Reviews

Other films that deal with parallel universes are listed here:

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