Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Indie Thriller Alert: Carlo Ledesma's Second Teaser for Horror Thriller The Tunnel is Released Here!

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A second, longer teaser trailer is available for Carlo Ledesma's The Tunnel. This film is currently being shot in Australia under an abandoned train station. In the trailer, several characters descend into the station and not only find a controversial story involving water storage, but a terror awaiting beneath.

This film made waves for using a unique form of distribution - bit torrents. Also, the film was financed through the sale of each individual frame for a dollar. Click on the poster left and see the first 1000 financial contributors listed in tiny lettering. Also, check out the second teaser for this independent horror production below.

The full synopsis for The Tunnel here:

"In 2007 the New South Wales government suddenly scrapped a plan to utilize the water in the disused underground train tunnels beneath Sydney's St James Train Station.

In 2008, chasing rumours of a government coverup and urban legends surrounding the sudden backflip, investigative journalist Natasha Warner led a crew of four into the underground labyrinth. They went down into the tunnels looking for a story – until the story found them.


This is the film of their harrowing ordeal with unprecedented access to the recently declassified tapes they shot in the claustrophobic subway tunnels, as well as a series of candid interviews with the survivors we come face to face with the terrifying truth.

The Tunnel also marks the first time that missing sound recordist, Jim Williams, speaks about his experience during those chilling hours" (The Tunnel).

Release Date: 2011 (Bit-torrent).

Director: Carlo Ledesma.

Writers: Enzo Tedeshi and Julian Harvey.

Cast: Bel Delia, Andy Rodoreda, Steve Davis, and Luke Arnold.

The teaser trailer for The Tunnel is here:

The first teaser from the film is posted here:

The Tunnel on 28DLA

The film's fan page is found on Facebook:

The Tunnel on FB

The film's homepage:

The Tunnel's Homepage

This is another independent horror release from Australia. This title was released earlier this year:

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