Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A High Quality Trailer for Eastern Horror Themed Thriller Jinn

This trailer for Jinn was made available earlier this month, but this horror movie lover was too knee deep in Geoffrey Chaucer to do anything about it. Now, a high quality version of the clip is available and Jinn is the story of mythological spirits, known throughout much of the Muslim world.

In western countries the Jinn are known as Genies and these creatures have been given some darker colouring in this film and in another called Red Sands. If you like mythology from other cultures, then you will likely like this trailer for Jinn below.

The synopsis for Jinn:

"Man made of Clay. Angels made of Light. And a Third...made of Fire.

From the beginning, stories of angels and men have captured our imaginations and have been etched into our history crossing all boundaries of culture, religion, and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology for countless centuries, almost washing away the evidence that a third ever existed. This third race, born of smokeless fire, was called the Jinn. Similar to humans in many ways, the Jinn lived invisibly among us and only under dire or unusual circumstances were our paths ever meant to cross.

As humans became the dominant force on Earth, contact between man and Jinn steadily decreased. .

Modern man has all but forgotten the Jinn" (Trailer).

Release Date: 2011.

Director/writer: Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad.

Cast: Dominic Rains, Ray Park, and William Atherton.

An extended teaser trailer for the film is here:

The film's homepage:

Jinn's Dwelling in the Desert of Cyberspace

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Jinn at Trailer Addict

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