Friday, October 01, 2010

The S&Man Trailer and Passive Sentence Structure in Synopses

S&Man is a documentary by director J.T. Petty on the a world that most of us do not see - voyeurism and victimization. People on the street are unwittingly made to be part of film and the results are rarely pretty. This picture will be released by Magnolia Pictures October 12th on DVD; a trailer for the feature is below.

In the spirit of creativity and proper grammar, this article will provide viewers with a free lesson on passive and active sentence structure. You can save yourself hundreds of dollars for tuition by reading this comparison between two very different synopses on S&Man. The first synopsis will have the many passive sentence structures pointed out, with the second showing active. Please, when writing anything e.g. letters, essays, synopses, remember to primarily use active sentence structure. Now let the lesson begin.

The first synopsis for the film is here, with passive sentence structures marked with a (P). The source of this synopsis will remain anonymous to avoid any humiliation.

"(P) When cult horror favorite filmmaker (JT Petty), ventures into the dark world of underground horror fetish film industry things don't exactly go as planned. (P) As he begins to examine the classic comparison between filmmaking and voyeurism within the horror genre, he is introduced to a collective of what he believes to be either creative filmmakers just meeting the demand of their disturbed audiences or actual deviants and possibly murderers themselves (Run On Sentence). One of the most notorious of these film series that he comes across is called S&Man (Missing Comma) produced by a rather unassuming man named Eric. (Requires Paragraph Break Here) Petty digs into his subject Eric, trying to get him to reveal the names of some of the actors in his films who play the victims, (Sentence Break Required) the deeper Petty prods the more Eric begins to shut off. Eric passes off his lack of participation to not wanting to give away the illusion of his films by allowing access to those actors. (P) Realizing that the real reason might be that these victims are not in fact actors, Petty finds himself in dangerous territory, making S&Man the most unsettling horror film experience in years."

Now, look at the difference in this synopsis written by Brian Clark at IMDB. (A) is used to show active sentences, which should be the basis for the majority of sentences:

"(A) S&Man begins with footage from Michael Powell's exploration of voyeurism, "Peeping Tom." (A) Director JT Petty uses this footage as a starting point to examine the classic comparison between filmmaking and voyeurism, (Good Use of Comma) particularly within the horror genre. (A) He goes on to investigate this connection further, but rather than looking to classic horror films, Petty explores the seedy underground genre of fetish films. (A) These movies are basically simulated snuff films where victims are raped and murdered in a variety of fantasy scenarios. (A) The most notorious of these is a series called S&Man, where voyeurism takes center stage as people are unknowingly followed with a camera. (A)Petty plunges headfirst into this world of bizarre fetish films, and comes up with mesmerizing interviews with the producers and actors of these movies. (A) Much of the footage from these videos will shock and disturb even the most seasoned horror veteran. (A) However, the connection that Petty draws between these films and mainstream horror classics like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer proves even more unsettling. (P) Using interviews with Carol Clover (author of the definitive horror book, "Men, Women, and Chainsaws"), and his personal experience as a horror director, Petty suggests that viewers' interest in horror films is rooted in the same voyeuristic urge to which these fetish videos appeal. (A) Ulitmately, Petty directly confronts the audience, forcing them to examine their fascination with horror, torture, and violence. (A) And for genre fans, these implications may make S&MAN the most unsettling horror film experience in years" (IMDB).

Almost every sentence in this second synopsis is started with an active sentence. Only one sentence is started in a passive way and this adds diversity to the other sentences. This second synopsis is well written, while the first is not. Can you see the difference? Hopefully, people will use active sentence structure, so that this grammar NAZI will not have to edit your releases.:)

Now back to the film.

Release: October 12, 2010.

Director/writer: J.T. Petty.

Cast: Elizabeth Cartier, Carol J. Clover, Debbie D, Freddie Dingo, Michelle Glick, Julie Katz, and Erik Marcisak.

The trailer for S&Man is here:


S&Man at Trailer Addict (Not the Source of Either Synopsis)

Available on DVD and Blu-Ray:

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