Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Demons and Other Inconveniences and Enjoying the Darkness: A Book Review

Author: Dan Dillard.

"Demons and Other Inconveniences" is a novel from writer Dan Dillard, which is a compilation of short stories. Most of the works range in page size from three to ten, with the final story, "The Demon of Walker's Woods," clocking in at the longest - over twenty pages. Each of the stories are horror themed and a presentation of the author's fears: "he is letting us into his personal nightmares" (HorrorNews). An enjoyable time, sometimes darkly comedic and offering a variety of stories, "Demons and Other Inconveniences" is a welcomed and interesting read through and through.

A quick overview of the stories would have to include first and foremost "Infestation of the Third Kind." Most any post-apocalyptic tale will warm this book reviewer's heart and this short story of an alien invasion is no different. In this future world, few humans remain and those lucky enough to be alive after a true war of the worlds must fight extraterrestrial reptilian creatures; this story was the highlight for this reader. Other stories of note are "Pig Man: "an atmospheric gem," (HorrorNews) "The Trash Menagerie," which is a neat freak's worst nightmare, and the comedic, tree POV "Anticipation." Most of the stories are thrilling, but the book's introduction, with the ambiguous "Rolling Meadows" seems an odd choice.

Dillard is an author of the South and a family man, with two kids; so, many of his stories involve child kidnappings and strange goings-ons with man's best friend, the local pooch. It is when Dillard branches out deeper into his imagination when things really get interesting e.g. "Infestation of the Third Kind." Stories from Dillard's childhood are sparse and only brought to the present in the novel's finale - "The Demons of Walker's Woods." Here the tale is exciting, but the novel does not end with a strong central message, which ties all the tales together. Instead, dark supernatural forces rule the day and not the flawed human beings who fight against them. These are a couple minor critiques for a solidly written book.

Dillard has already moved onto a second novel entitled "What Tangled Webs" and this reviewer whole-heartedly supports his earlier novel "Demons and Other Inconveniences." This second novel is available in an e-book format or the more traditional soft copy format, with more information on both books below.

Another positive review of "Demons and Other Inconveniences" is available here at Horror News Net:

Horror News Net Review

Lots more info' on "What Tangled Webs" and his previous book is available here (Facebook):

Both Books on FB

Purchasable through Kindle (online version):

Or paperback:

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