Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Asylum Lets the Depraved 8213: Gacy House Loose on DVD

The Asylum is up to their usual depraved tricks, with the release of 8213: Gacy House on DVD. The film has just recently been released as of September 28th and the film involves several paranormal investigators teaming up to visit Gacy's old serial killing haunts. This killer murdered over thirty-three young men and it seems he is not done with his killing spree. Have a look at the trailer for the film and get set for a review on this title soon!

The synopsis for 8213: Gacy House:

"John Wayne Gacy murdered 33 young men and boys between 1972 and 1978 in suburban Chicago. 26 bodies were found in a crawl space beneath his house and 3 others were buried in the backyard. Although the house was completely demolished during the exhumation of the bodies, on May 15, 2004 a group of paranormal investigators wired the home that was built in its place with paranormal detection and surveillance equipment. The outcome of the investigation was grisly, terrifying and disturbing" (The Asylum).

Release Date: September 28, 2010 (DVD).

Director: Anthony Fankhauser.

Cast: Jim Lewis and Matthew Temple.

The trailer for this horror flick is here:

More details at The Asylum:

8213: Gacy House at The Asylum

8213: Gacy House is available now:

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