Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mem Ferda Seeks a Killer Script to be Produced by White Lantern Films

*Please note this is a promotional piece for actor Mem Ferda and White Lantern Films

Mem Ferda is a London, England based actor with over fourty acting credits to his name. His most recent productions include the black ops thriller Legacy, a television piece entitled "Saddam's Tribe: Bound by Blood," with upcoming appearances in The Devil's Double, and The Veteran. Currently, Ferda is seeking a "killer script," which will put him in the lead role in a horror film. This feature will be co-produced by Adam J Merrifield of White Lantern Film, and Ferda himself. Requirements for the script include a three page logline, the first ten pages of the script and for the film to be produced with a limited to moderate budget. Scriptwriters can apply at the link below, with more details on the requirements inside.


"Do you think you have a Killer Script?" (White).

Other requirements:

-a high-concept, gritty, psychological film that also has international appeal

-horror and thriller stories are highly desirable

-screenplays should push boundaries and expectations

-examples of the film desired include: Memento, Leon, Irreversible, Ghost Dog, Angel Heart, Bad Lieutenant, The Machinist, Taxi Driver, Dead Man Walking and 21 Grams

-the screenplay should have a solid focus on character without losing sight of the story's main concept, theme or 'hook'

-minimal locations

Script submissions can be made here:

Killer Script Submissions

More details can also be found at the White Lantern website:

White Lantern Films

Mem Ferda on IMDB:

Mem Ferda's IMDB Page

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