Monday, July 19, 2010

The Horror Vault 3 Offers Five Twisted Tales of Dark Delights

The Horror Vault 3 was released on DVD recently (July 13th) and this latest in the series incorporates five twisted tales of horror and debauchery. The five tales are titled: Unchangeable, Undone, The Psychomanteum, Zombie Office, and A Christmas Haunting. This will be the last installment according to director Kim Sonderholm and episodes range from the undead terrorizing an office to kidnapping and even to insanity caused by another universe. A synopsis is available for four of the five segments below, along with a trailer for this franchise.

The synopsis for Zombie Office:

"The Zombie Office is a black, twisted, comedic and nihilistic story about...well, guess the title pretty much says it all" (Sonderholm).

The synopsis for Undone:

"Undone follows a man kidnapping another man who wants revenge for his crimes" (Sonderolm).

The plot summary of Unchangeable here:

"Unchangeable is a story of a man who becomes withdrawn after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Unchangeable lives in a very David Lynch-esqe universe which will definitely leave you thinking once the film credits roll" (Sonderholm).

The synopsis for The Psychomanteum:

"Finally, where Unchangeable leaves us in an insane universe, The Psychomanteum takes us even further. Megon Kirkpatrick stars as the teenager who falls deeper and deeper into insanity, accompanied by actors such as Dave Staley, Colleen O'Donnell and Helen Sanger Pierce as her mother" (Sonderholm).

Release Date: July 13th, 2010 (DVD).

Directors: James Barclay, David C. Hayes, Dave Holt, Johan A. Kruger, John Scott Mills and Kim Sonderholm

Writers: James Barclay, David C. Hayes, Dave Holt, Johan A. Kruger, H.P. Lovercraft, John Scott Mills, Kevin Moyers, Edgar Allan Poe and Kim Sonderholm.

Cast: Tanja Bonke, April Monique Burril, Eileen Daly, Russ Diapper, Monique Dupree, Dai Green, Eleanor James, Mette Lovendahl, Nikki Magnusson, Eva Muller, Katrine Poulsen, Dana Roman, Kim Sonderholm, Brinke Stevens, Veronica Thorsell and many, many more.

The PG-13 version of the Horror Vault Part 3 is here (a second unrated version is available on IMDB):

The film's homepage:

The Official Horror Vault 3 Homepage

Available now:

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