Friday, May 14, 2010

Look Through Julia's Eyes in this Trailer

Guillermo Del Toro is one of several producers on the $7.2 million dollar project Julia's Eyes which now has a film clip. The film will release in Spain this October and while North American distribution has not be found the first trailer for the picture has. In the feature Julia sees her own sister, Sarah, commit suicide due to the impairments of a degenerative illness. Julia suffers a similar fate when her eyesight starts to fade from the same disease. Rumours are stating that the film will be partially shown from Julia's point-of-view which will include panic attacks (Upcoming). Have an early look at a film that is sure to dazzle.

The synopsis for Julia's Eyes:

"Julia returns to Bellevue with her husband to visit her sister Sarah, who is near blind due to a degenerative illness for which she has unsuccessfully undergone surgery. When they arrive, Julia finds that Sarah has taken her own life and none of her mysterious neighbors seem to be all that surprised.

Julia has to confront not only the loss of her sister, but also the loss of all hope halting her own impending blindness, as she suffers from the same illness and would appear to be destined for the same end as her sister" (Upcoming).

Release Date: October 29, 2010 (Spain, no N. American distribution).

Director: Guillem Morales.

Writers: Guillem Morales and Oriol Paulo

The first trailer for Julia's Eyes:


Julia's Eyes at Upcoming Horror Movies

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