Monday, May 03, 2010

The Killing of Jacob Marr's Latest Trailer

The Killing of Jacob Marr is a 221 Film's production that now has a trailer for horror fans. In this clip a mysterious boy is shown just out of frame as a group of twenty-somethings go on a winter vacation. Is this the same boy known as Jacob Marr who killed his own parents in their sleep? No one will know for sure until October 2010 when the film releases.

The synopsis for The Killing of Jacob Marr here:

"Twenty-five years ago a boy by the name of Jacob Marr, living in the back woods of Maine, discovered a strange object that had fallen from the sky. Fascinated by this thing, he took it home to examine it. A boy's curiosity, however, is soon turned into a ghastly nightmare as something in the object corrupted his young mind with horrifying thoughts. Late one night he slowly crept into his parent's bedroom and killed them one after the other, escaping into the deep woods behind his house. He took nothing with him, nothing but the object and the blood stained clothing on his body, never to be seen again, until now!

After lying dormant for so many years, the house has been repurchased as a vacation rental. Repairs are made and the first tenants are a group of five friends looking for a winter getaway from their dull workaday lives. Unfortunately for them, the weekend becomes anything but dull as Jacob returns from the woods to find intruders in his boyhood home. He is not happy and he will have his vengeance" (Jacob).

Release Date: October 2010 (Looking for distro').

Director/writer: Brad Rego.

Cast: Morgan White, Alyssa Mann, Brandon Beilis, Elizabeth Drake, Samantha Cooper, and Chris Keating.

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