Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Weathered Underground and Interaction: A Movie Review

Director/writer: David N. Donihue.

2010 saw the release of The Weathered Underground via Indican Pictures and writer David Donihue has accomplished something unique by incorporating choices for the viewer in to the film. The film offers thirty different endings with a 100 different choices. How the film progresses is up to the watcher and the movie is really several movies rolled in to one. The Weathered Underground is a good film for group settings as each choice usually unravels some comedic elements.

The film follows Eric (Michael Ciriaco), after a recent break-up, and this pizza delivery boy/man enters many different scenarios in the greater Los Angeles area. From meth labs to domestic disputes, Eric sees a lot of action. How Eric finesses his way through the LA nightlife, or work environment is completely up to the viewer. This reviewer almost guarantees that you lose your job, though.

The Weathered Underground is a good film for groups because different people will choose different routes and likely the multiple choices in the film will create disagreements. This is part of the appeal of the film. Also, the film has replayability with several diverse endings creating a slight addictive quality. This is a hard film to put down even after many of the endings have been played out.

The film is really an enjoyable times for the comedic writing and for the three hundred plus minutes of footage. This is a big film and viewers will have to watch many different endings to see how Eric fares in The Weathered Underground. Have a watch of this film if you are having a movie nite with friends to enhance the experience.

Plot/story/subject material: 8 out of 10.
Characters/believability/interacton: 6.5 (one review mentioned the moral bankruptness of the characters and this might be slightly correct e.g. heavy drug use).
Setting/realism/importance: 7.5 out of 10 (looks like LA on shrooms).

Overall: 7.15 out of 10.

*Expect to see more of these choose-your-own adventure type films.

The Weathered Underground at Indican:

Weathered Underground Indican Pictures

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