Thursday, April 29, 2010

Black Death Rules the Land in 14th Century Europe

Here is a look back at a horrifying time in history. This is the 14th century where half of Europe was scoured with a deadly disease that originated in Central Asia. Over 450 million European inhabitants were killed and now Egoli Tossell Films, based in Germany, will take a second look at this deadly time along with horror fans. This first clip of the Black Death shows dozens of afflicted bodies and a world in chaos as Ulric (Sean Bean) attempts to find a cure to the plague. Have a glimpse at a very different world in this Christopher Smith (Severance, Triangle) production.

The synopsis for Black Death here:

"Plague-ridden medieval England: bodies lie scattered in their hundreds, the country is in turmoil. One hope remains, rumors of a village that is unaffected by the deadly disease. As God’s ambassador, young monk Osmund (Eddie Redmayne) is tasked in leading the fearsome knight Ulrich (Sean Bean) and his group of mercenaries to the remote village. Their quest is to hunt down a necromancer - someone able to bring the dead back to life.

Their journey is treacherous and filled with danger; encountering deadly bandits and vicious witch-burnings that will put their faith to the ultimate test. Though it’s upon entering the village that their true horror begins" (Trailer).

Release: May 28, 2010 (UK theatrical).

Director: Christopher Smith.

Writer: Dario Poloni.

Cast: Sean Bean, Kimberley Nixon, Eddie Redmayne, Carice van Houten, David Warner, Andy Nyman, Tim McInnerny, John Lynch, Johnny Harris, Tygo Gernandt, David Masterson, and Marianne Graffam.

A fourteen and over trailer for Black Death here:

*No announced North American release date with no distributors confirmed. In other words, this film is a long way off from Canadian and American theatres.


The Black Plague on Wikipedia

Egoli Films

Black Death on Trailer Addict

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