Sunday, March 21, 2010

Passed the Door of Darkness and Forgetting the Light Switch: A Movie Review

Director: Peter Mervis.

Writers: Mark Colson, and Peter Mervis.

Passed the Door of Darkness is another Echo Bridge Entertainment release that will be displayed on DVD shelves April 27th. This title is also a Darc Light production like The Fear Chamber and the film is reviewed here. Passed the Door of Darkness lives up to the Darc Light name by keeping the first third of the film in complete darkness. This Peter Mervis endeavour feels incomplete despite a compelling story. Ultimately, Passed the Door of Darkness cannot be promoted as a quality film due to technical errors.

This reviewer almost turned the film off twenty minutes in as the picture was in complete shadows. However, patience kicked in and thankfully thirty minutes later Mervis had turned the lights on. Yet, many others will not be as patient with the film. Although, Passed the Door of Darkness recovers from these early technical faults in lighting, the technical issues destroy the entertainment appeal of the film.

Before moving on to the incompleteness of the film the synopsis first. New detective Chris Malloy partners up with experienced detective Murphy MacCasey to track down a mischievous killer. This new killer makes innocent people kill their loved ones through clever traps and devices. Things get complicated when MacCasey's daughter falls for this new detective, while the killer's identity reveals himself in dark dreams. Is the film cohesive?

The disruption of lighting in the early phases the film simply feels like a rough first draft on an essay. The film simply needs revisions. Due to the difficulties of re-shooting the project this film has moved to DVD as is. Passed the Door of Darkness is not a gift to fans, but only part of a incomplete production.

There is no way that this reviewer can pass along a quality grade on Passed the Door of Darkness, which really needs to be reshot. Even with Mervis's intriguing story and multi-dimensional characters Passed the Door of Darkness is too heavily flawed to be seen again or to be recommended to viewers.

If you are very forgiving go ahead; otherwise, stay away.

Photography/composition/lighting: 3 (already revealed why).
Symbolism/types/meanings: 5.5 (masks, letters).
Editing/continuity/pacing: 6 (no real problems here - just don't understand why the dailies were not checked).

Overall: 4.75 shakes of the head out of 10.

A link to Echo Entertainment's website which has all sorts of upcoming DVD's e.g. AVH: Alien vs. Hunger, Freakshow, and The Apocalypse (lots of Asylum productions).

Echo Bridge Entertainment Home Entertainment

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