Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dual Diagnosis of Both Theft by Deception and Cornered: Health is A-Okay

Justin Chien is the producer and second unit director of Cornered; today, he took some time off from a busy shooting to talk about both of these projects. Theft by Deception, the crime thriller and robbery heist flick, wrapped earlier this year and will be available May or June of this year. A trailer to follow shortly.

As well, while primary shooting has begun for Cornered, the film is continuing to cast for a female lead. A few more names are now attached to the film including Tiny Lister (The Fifth Element, The Dark Knight), Edin Gali, and Dennis Lawhite (Notorious, The Brave One). The film will be completed in March with a release date to follow shortly thereafter. Have a look at an early concept poster (up and left). A synopsis for both films are below.

First the synopsis for Theft by Deception:

"Van Collins is a life long professional thief who, after serving four years of hard time, decides to turn his life around and play it straight for awhile. Yet Detective Jon Ballak has other plans for Collins. Ballak has some hard evidence on Collins stealing art from a prominent museum, which Collins has not been previously charged of. Using this leverage Ballak wants Collins to steal a famous painting from the home of a wealthy musician for his own gain. But when Ballak demands that Collins steal a painting from Van's former flame loyalties are tested in a final test of wills" (Justin).

The synopsis for Cornered:

"This is the Stranger’s game: all exits are rigged with explosives and there is only one safe way out. The Stranger will give clues to the correct exit as he stalks Janette in the darkness of her own house. He has cut the power and has only given Janette two rounds in a gun, a low powered flashlight, and a dull knife to escape the confines of his puzzle. The entire house will explode in 45 minutes if she cannot solve the Stranger’s game" (Busted Knuckles)!

More info' on both these films:

Busted Knuckle Productions Website

The Theft By Deception webpage:

Theft by Deception Homepage

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