Wednesday, December 02, 2009

IFC Picks up Ozzie Film Coffin Rock for Distribution

Coffin Rock was shot in Adelaide, south Australia and this ninety-two minute thriller has recently been picked up by IFC Films for 2010 distribution. The film involves a mentally disturbed man (Sam Parsonson) who just cannot let go of the woman he loves, Jess (Lisa Chappell). Unfortunately for Evan Jess is married to Rob (Robert Taylor) and things get off to a rocky start in this chilling violent threesome. An exact IFC release date is forthcoming, for now check out the full trailer and synopsis courtesy of Bankside Films.

The synopsis for Coffin Rock:

"In a remote fishing town, happily married Rob and Jess have been trying to have a baby for three long years and she is becoming desperate. In a drunken mistake, she sleeps with Evan, a young stranger come to town whose interest in her borders on the obsessive. The day she discovers she is pregnant, Jess' guilt turns to horror as Evan begins a terrifying transformation from stalker to psychopath, determined to prove paternity of the child and claim Jess for his own. In the vein of Fatal Attraction and Cape Fear, Coffin Rock is a story of infidelity, leading to harassment, terror and murder (Coffin)."

Director: Rupert Glasson.

Writer: Rupert Glasson.

Cast: Lisa Chappell, Terry Camilleri, Robert Taylor, and Sam Parsonson.

The first trailer for Coffin Rock here:

More info' on Coffin Rock can be found from the film's official website seen here:

Castle Rock Homepage

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