Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Sacred Coming Soon

The Sacred already enjoyed a limited theatrical release on October 13 of this year and early reviews are positive for this revenge thriller. The Sacred invovles the indigenous peoples of North America and their magical powers that are able to revitalize the dead. Very dark and thrilling the film will be available soon. Stay tuned for more info' on this action thriller directed and written by Jose Cassella. A trailer can be found below.

A synopsis for The Sacred here:

"A group of university students travel to a remote and sacred Native American patch of land, in order to complete a thesis project on Native American Folklore.
This patch of land was used hundreds of years ago to judge and punish murderous criminals. The land itself has magical powers making it possible for the dead to come back and punish the guilty...sins can come back and kill you (The Sacred)."

Release Date: 20101.

Director: Jose Cassella.

Writers: Jose Cassella and Sharon Reed.

Composer: Stefan Galaboff.

Cast: Jessica Blackmore, Lauren Brown, David Mackey, Ryan Marsico, and Jordan Wall.

The second trailer for The Sacred here:


THE SACRED- Feature Film Site | MySpace Video

For more info' The Sacred on visit the homepage of the film here:

The Sacred on Myspace

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