Monday, November 23, 2009

I Can See You and Inner Frontiers: A Movie Review

Director: Graham Reznick.

Writer: Graham Reznick.

I Can See You is a film that was completed in 2008 and the movie is now available on DVD. Rich in the surreal, I Can See You is an impressionistic take on the typical formula of: a group of twenty-somethings go out to the bush only to be sliced and diced by the strange locals. Slow in pacing, initially, the music and final act make up for any early flaws.

The film stars Ben Dickson as Richards, a man who has encountered a block in artistic endeavours, Ben suggests a trip into the countryside to find inspiration for an ad campaign. Also, starring Duncan Skiies as Doug, Christopher Ford as Kimble, and Olivia Villanti; each of these characters take a step into a dream world, just outside of New York City. Instead of finding inspiration in the deep woods, the characters find a possible zombie, rape victim a la Deliverance, and much murder in what is probably the longest unexplained dream sequence in recent film history.

Since there have been zero interpretations of the final act, in reviews, this review will make an attempt to explain the final psychedelic images and conclusion in I Can See You. Likely an extended dream of central character Richards, the last act is a glimpse into the subconscious of a man searching for artistic inspiration. The film concludes sharply with many other interpretations possible, but the use of surrealistic imagery, nightmarish music, and shots of darkness signify a dream sequence as experienced through the eyes of the character Richards.

Slow to build-up in intensity, the music from Graham Reznick (The House of the Devil) is ever-changing, eerie, and often unsettling - especially near the final third of the film. Graham Rezick is also the producer, editor, and special effects supervisor of I Can See You and he lays down some excellent tracks in the film. The 60s music video in the last act for glass cleaner product Claractix is the best of the many musical choices.

Available now through the film's website I Can See You is a film that shows what can be done with a small budget and bizarre ideas. Creative, surreal, and impressionistic the film challenges reality and the conventions of independent filmmaking while offering a thrill ride to a psychedelic funhouse in the film's final act. Check this film out wherever you can find it as the film is already developing a cult following.

Editing/pacing/transitions: 4.5.
Music/use of sound/visual effects: 9.
Writing/plot/story: 8.5.

Overall: 7.25 Screaming screens out of 10 (like an acid trip to Cabin Fever and back).

More info' on I Can See You can be found from the film's website below:

I Can See You Homesite

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