Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Wild Man of the Navidad on DVD this Summer

Currently available at IFC Films grindhouse creature feature "The Wild Man of Navidad," will be available, on DVD, for fans this August. Looking more deeply at this animal terror that has been seen since the mid 1800s, in Texas "The Wild Man of Navidad," will relive some of the most stark sightings in a full feature length film. Often comedic the first trailer for the film, looking like an homage to 70s exploitation films of the past, can be seen here for fans of horror. This Greeks film production is a must have for those with a funny bone or gorehounds looking for something unseen, six feet tall, and bloodthirsty. Have a look at the full length theatrical trailer inside.

A plot summary for the film here...

"The Wild Man of the Navidad," is an unsettling brew of dark comedy, suspense and terror, adapted from real-life journals kept in the early 1970’s by Dale S. Rogers while living in Sublime, a town in a sparsely populated part of Texas about 100 miles north of where the movie was lensed. Mr. Rogers lived with his invalid wife, Jean, and hired hand, Mario, in a quaint ranch house on a plantation that can be traced back through at least five generations of his family. It was in this region, in the mid 1800s, that the legend of the wild man was born, a story many believe to be the first documented sightings of a Sasquatch-like being in South Texas. This vintage horror tale debunks history books to tell the veracious, harrowing story of a rural community whose residents were terrified for years by a mysterious creature inhabiting the nearby woods (Trailer...).

Director: Duane Graves, and Justin Meeks.

Writers: Duane Graves, and Justin Meeks.

Cast: Jacob Bargsley, James Bargsley, Kevin Bensmiller, Joyce Benton, Oscar Benton and Nicole Biggers.

A full trailer for "The Wild Man of Navidad," here...

Have a longer look at the myth of The Wild Man and production stills from the films website found here...

The Wild Man of Navidad Homepage


The Wild Man of Navidad at Traileraddict