Thursday, May 21, 2009

Surrogates First Movie Still

To alleviate the distress at hearing that an unnamed futuristic, robotic feature is mediocre, at best, this horror/thriller enthusiast is posting a small article on a similar film, which from previews makes the premise sounds a lot more interesting and is known as "Surrogates." Starring Bruce Willis, Ving Rhames, Michael O'Toole and Rosamund Pike this futuristic cop drama looks Matrix-esque as the inhabitants of a metropolis spend most of their time in a virtual world. When a murder happens after fifteen years of peace people begin to wonder who they can trust, man or machine? Have a look at the first movie still from "Surrogates," here and the first trailer for the film below.

A synopsis for "Surrogates," here...

FBI agents (Bruce Willis and Radha Mitchell) investigate the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves. Fit, good-looking, and remotely controlled these machines ultimately assume their host's roles. And when a series of murders occurs a quest for answers begins with the central question posed: in a world of masks, who is real and who can you trust (Trailer...)?

Release Date: September 25, 2009.

Director: Jonathan Mostow.

Writers: Michael Ferris, and John D. Brancato.

A trailer for "Surrogates," here...


Surrogates at QuietEarth

Surrogates at Trailer

Surrogates at IMDB