Friday, May 29, 2009

The Red Room: Interview with Mikos Zavros

Theatre actor, screenwriter, and character actor Mikos Zavros stops in to chat about his film career including appearances in "The Red Room," "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus," and the upcoming "The I Scream Man." Appearing in many thrillers Mikos also finds time to manage a production company with partner JT Mollner. NoRemake Pictures is the producer of "The Red Room," which is a fifteen minute horror short already reviewed here. Have a look at some of the highlights from Mikos Zavros' recent work and the status of upcoming projects as Zavros' talks to us from the heart of Los Angeles.

(Michael Allen) Thanks for being here Mikos. What was your earliest memory of film?

(Mikos Zavros) "Black and white movies were really my favorites, since I was five or so. 'The Thin Man,' 'Bringing Up Baby,' 'Dracula,' and all the monster movies. The Airbase (AAFES) theater would show the old Harryhausen movies, which I loved. The larger than life feeling I got from mythical monsters fighting Sinbad was transforming and fed my daydreams."

(Michael Allen) Mikos, you have many roles in film and an obvious passion for movie making how did you fall in love with filmmaking?

(Mikos Zavros) "My first movie was with Anthem Films. A short about gangsters taking out a little snitch. I had wrote scenes for the stage before, but I knew I wanted something on film. I felt right at home onset and in front of the camera. Guitar was the only other outlet that made me feel as though I 'belonged,' somewhere. I was sold that day forward."

(Michael Allen) In "The Red Room," you play Nicholas Rowe a shady business man with a mysterious past. How did you prepare for this role? Was there anyone from film on which you based your character?

(Mikos Zavros) "As far as preparation, I outlined the character's past, political alignment and his relationship with Althea. It is important for me to know where the character came from and the timeline preceding the films events. I did not refer to anyone from film. I just knew that he was broken and desperate, which would change any man and affect him the way Nick was. I decided to play a regular guy caught up in this dark circle, ultimately grasping for some kind of closure."

(Michael Allen) "The Red Room," has an intensity throughout that builds the excitement and for me the film has a comedic punch line. What is your
interpretation of this horror short?

(Mikos Zavros) "That is an interesting interpretation. Laughter is often a reaction to an outrageous or unacceptable circumstance. To me, it is simply a love story."

(Michael Allen) That is quite a twisted love story based on the ending, which will not be given a way here. How have audiences reacted to the ending of "The Red Room?"

(Mikos Zavros) "Mostly a 'wow,' factor then a comment on the sick nature of writer JT Mollner, LOL!

(Michael Allen) More recently you starred in "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus," as a sub navigator. What kind of preparation did you take part in for the role?

(Mikos Zavros) "I researched the duties of a navigator, say vs a sonar tech, who I lost some of my lines to!"

(Michael Allen) What experience stands out the most for you on the shoot for "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus?"

(Mikos Zavros) "The Star Trek like cues to act like the sub just got hit. It was really hard not to laugh after seeing so many of the SNL skits and whatnot that depict a whole crew lurching without any movement from the set."

(Mikos Zavros) Are there any other projects that you are currently working on and can share, with fans, at this time?

"'Henry John and the Little Bug,' is a western genre bender that we are currently in ADR for (dubbing some of the actor's lines that we did not get clearly onset). We are also working on rewrites for the feature horror film 'The I Scream Man,' produced by Chris Eberts and Capitol Films starring Crispin Glover. I will be playing Skizzy, a local druggie and wild man.

On a side note, we are going to be judging a cook-off to giveaway Tolleys restaurant in Oakland, Oregon this summer. We enjoy food and it should be a welcome getaway from the Los Angeles hassles."

For more information on Mikos Zavros visit his personal website here...

Mikos Zavros Homepage

or the NoRemake Pictures fansite here...

NoRemake Pictures on Facebook


Mikos Zavros. Interview. 30 May 2009.