Monday, February 23, 2009

[Rec] 2: News, Poster, and Trailer

Directors Juame Balaguero and Paco Plaza take the helm in this first sequel to Spain's successful "[Rec]." Staying in theme with the shaky handheld camera "[Rec] 2," will give a first person feel to a horrifying franchise. Also, filming in Barcelona, Spain the sequel hopes to capitalize on the box office grosses of the first film and while a release date is still in the works expect the United States to snatch up reproduction rights shortly after the film shows. For a teaser trailer look inside...

Release Date: Unknown.

Rating: Unknown.

Director(s): Jaume Balaguero, and Paco Plaza.

Writer(s): Jaume Balaguero, and Manu Diez.

Cast: Manuela Velasco, Leticia Dolera, and Juli Fabregas.

A trailer for the film:


[Rec] 2 at Horrornews

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