Saturday, January 17, 2009

Amusement: Scarier Than Your Average Carnival Ride: A Film Review

Director: John Simpson.

Starring: Katheryn Winnick, Jessica Lucas, Laura Breckenridge, Preston Bailey, and Brennan Bailey.

Writer: Jake Wade Wall.

After a three month wait "Amusement," is finally here...

"Amusement," was given a release date of April 25, 2008, then September 12, 2008, and finally December 26, 2008, but now this straight-to-DVD feature is out in video stores. "Amusement," because it was meant for theatres the film has high production values, at least one solid actor (Kevin Gage), and a plot line revolving around revenge. Unsure of the quality of the film, now defunct Picturehouse distributors has chosen to send "Amusement," straight-to-DVD rather than take the chance of putting this picture in theatres. Horror genre pieces rarely showcase A-list actors and the uncertainty of box office returns often means that horror picture only see video stores rather than theatres. "Amusement," is another horror picture that while well-written, with interesting characters is seen as not good enough for the big screen.

A mostly amateur group of actors makes up the cast of "Amusement," with the exception of Kevin Gage, who is a semi truck driver slash hired thug. The film seems to break itself into four parts with Laura Breckenridge the central character in part one, Katheryn Winnick the third, and Jessica Lucas the third. All the three characters, with the addition of fourth unravel the last act. Although, the characters in "Amusement," are mostly televisions actors/actresses the quality of acting is above average for a straight-to-DVD horror flick. The portrayal of "Laugh," the serial killer in the picture is especially well done as the villain takes on various roles throughout the film to terrorize several other characters in the film.

The soundtrack for "Amusement," is lyricless, but definitely on the upbeat side of the musical scare scale as initially the film seems to be an action feature. As the film transitions into other quieter scenes the musical score keeps pace and synchronizes with the rest of the film. The picture really comes across as a high production piece and the music, along with sound effects are well done.

"Laugh," who seems to step out of a carnival and into the primary role of stalker or villain is given a nice slow build-up in "Amusement," as the sinisterness of the character comes through. An initial interesting action scene that develops into a tension building second act creates for a roller coaster ride type film. Starting off with a jolt, "Amusement," begins to climb the first hill, and then barrels full force through twists, turns in the middle and end portions of the track. All the while villain "Laugh," will have viewers screaming or laughing depending on your mood.

One element that really stands out in the film is the very creative set environments that appear late in the picture. "Laugh's," lair appears huge with multiple rooms, floors and torture chambers. However, for a character who has spent most of his life in a psychiatric asylum the reason for "Laugh," owning massive expanses of real estate is not really given an explanation. Yet, the use of underground mazes during the final act really amp up the suspense in the film and helps deliver one of the best showdowns in recent horror filmmaking history. The dark sets and building designs really do set a terrifying mood within "Amusement."

Full of chase scenes, raging thunder, and gory deaths "Amusement," is an excellent example of quality horror filmmaking. Creepy enough to keep things interesting while not overdoing the blood "Amusement," really must be seen by horror film fans. Very few flaws within the film, except for the slightly short duration means that "Amusement," gets a very high recommend and must be seen for yourself..."It is funny right?"

7.5 Laughing Skulls out of 10.

A trailer to whet your appetite:

Sources: Amusement at IMDB Stumble It!