Monday, November 17, 2008

Promotion Package

If you have a film that has been completed and that is also ready for distribution I can have your, already prepared press release and screeners sent to five distribution companies, which I have contacts for to secure distribution for your film. Mailing receipts and contact numbers with these five companies are your guarantee to completion of the work.

Requirements: A completed press release sent by e-mail with full film details and five screeners, sending electronically is also possible.

Fee: My fee is $50 for 0-2 hours of work plus $10 for mailing materials payable through Paypal ($60):

28dayslateranalysis[[at]]gmail.[[com]] -remove the parenthesis change at to

My mailing address is:

Michael R. Allen
307-707 Esquimalt Rd.
Victoria, B.C.
V9A 3L7

*Expect two weeks for mailing to my location and two more to distribution co's.

A receipt will be mailed within one week of payment.

More details or questions can be e-mailed here:
Michael R. Allen