Wednesday, December 10, 2008

After Dark Films: 8 Films to Die For Dissecting Fans

Over at Horrorfest Online the promoters of the the "After Dark Films: 8 Films to Die For," are releasing five new movie posters from participating films including; "The Broken," "Butterfly Effect: Revelation," "From Within," "Perkins 14," and "Autopsy." Movie posters for "Voices," are forthcoming. See the latest "Autopsy," film poster below and get ready for the "After Dark Films," film festival premiere starting January 9, 2009 (Fearnet).

Stills for the film "Autopsy," are all over the internet and one of the more horrifying pictures appears at the end of this preview. What looks like human remains on a steel cart, sets the tone for the film. For more picures from "Autopsy," visit the website below.

"After Dark Films: 8 Films to Die For," film information:

Release Date: "After Dark Films: 8 Films to Die For," coming to Theatres January 9-15, 2009.

Theatres: Everywhere from Atlanta, GA to Washington, DC (check out the "After Dark Films," website below).


Four friends travel cross country to celebrate their graduation from college, but mayhem ensues when an accident leaves one friend in the hospital and the other three with light injuries. Help arrives in the form of an ambulance that whisks all four friends off to Mercy Hospital and here things take a strange turn (Internet).

The hospital has an eerie vibe with minimal staff, empty floors, and hints of bizarre inhuman experiments. Good for a visit, but not for a stay these four friends find themselves without a route of escape and on the run as one crazy doctor decides to practice some bad medicine. Mercy Hospital is one part of Dr. Benway's plan to relive some family atrocities from the early 19th century, but this time the patients are fighting back (Internet).

Rating: Rated R for strong bloody violence, grisly images, language and drug content.

Release Date: January 9, 2009.

Director: Adam Gierasch.

Starring: Jessica Lowndes, Robert Lasardo, Robert Patrick, and Ross McCall.

Writer: Adam Gierasch, and Jace Anderson.

"Mercy," is the original name for this film, yet after reading the synopsis "Autopsy," is a better name with more horrific overtones. Production for "Autopsy," took place in varying locations throughout Jackson, Louisiana, in early 2005. And with a first screening this film was so shocking to MPAA raters that it was initially given an NC-17 rating. Not bad for a small independent film with hopes to become "...the most disturbing (film) we've written...," from writer Adam Gierasch (Internet).

Despite some setbacks with the MPAA and differences in opinion over storylines "Autopsy," makes a North American debut at the "After Dark Films," film festival in 2009. Early reviews are rating this film very highly and with Robert Patrick as Dr. Benway the early trailers will not be enough to satisfy true horror fans. See this one in most major cities in 2009 as the "After Dark Films," horror celebration travels from town to town scaring fans.

One of the better stills from the film "Autopsy," here:


Autopsy at

>Autopsy at

After Dark Films: 8 Films to Die For Homepage

Autopsy at Internet Movie Database

Autopsy at

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