Friday, November 07, 2008

Screening Director Baz Luhrmann's Explosive Film Australia

An epic tale of romance and adventure takes place in the Australian outback during World War II. Starring Nicole Kidman (Sarah Ashley) and Hugh Jackman (The Drover), "Australia," tells the story of friendship, and romance between an English aristocrat, and a local prize fighter. Together they embark upon a journey across the deserts of Queensland to reclaim Ashley's family estate (Trailer...).

The journey continues to the city of Darwin where the Japanese military attack with ferocity on this port city. Ashley and The Drover discover what passion truly all the while underfire. Baz Luhrmann weaves his tale around the themes of romance, drama and breathtaking cinematography (Trailer...).

Rating: Likely a PG-13 based on the trailer.

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, David Wenham, and Bryan Brown.

Release Date: November 26, 08.

"Austrailia," has had its release changed from November 21, 2008 to Novemer 26, 2008 in order to avoid competition with the films "Bolt," and "Twilight," which were expected to draw crowds away from "Australia." However, "Australia," was placed alongside "Transporter 3." Both "Australia," and "Transporter 3," have action elements and reviewers have already predicted that director's Baz Luhrmann's Australian outback adventure the winner (Cinemablend...).

George Miller, who is in charge of production for the film "Australia," is padding his studios pockets with the help of a 40% tax break from the Australian government. Those films that feature Australian content receive this lucrative filming incentive. Other films that are attempting to garner this tax break including "Justice League of America," which for obvious reasons is having difficulty receiving the endowment, and "Happy Feet 2." Only Miller's production "Happy Feet 2," is likely to receive the Australian government's nod of approval (Cinemablend...).

The director Baz Luhrmann is helming the movie "Australia," and with "Moulin Rouge," "Romeo & Juliet," and "Strictly Ballroom," to his credit; this film will draw many excited movie goers. Although, the long runtime may send some audience members to the concession stand halfway through, this film will impress many. So, prepare to see Hugh Jackman as a raging pugilist in this romantic tale, set for theatres this November 26, 2008 (Internet Movie Database).

The final trailer for "Australia:"


Australia Homepage at

Australia Trailer at

Australia Articles at

Australia at Internet Movie Database