Friday, November 21, 2008

Low Budget but A Class Splinter Entertains Audiences at Screamfest 2008

"Splinter," is a small independent horror release, starring Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wagner, and Rachel Kerbs. It is pretty clear early on that this film is low budget, but the lack of funds does not take away from the emotional impact of the film. There are scares early on in the film and throughout as the excitement builds. As well, this movie is a lot fun with some light humour. Despite, some poor chemistry between two of the title characters "Splinter," is one of the best independent films of 2008 (Internet).

Writer Kai Barry and Ian Shorr develop some of the characters from common stereotypes that each of us have run into in our lives, yet each character grows along with the plot and storyline of the film. Paulo Costanzo plays a typical nerd, Jill the sorority girl, and Shea Whigham the bad boy. Unlike other horror films i.e. "House of Wax," where the viewer wants to see the title characters die (Paris Hilton), "Splinter," creates characters that the viewer cares about and roots for. On the other hand, some horror fans might be looking for a little less character development and a little more action, but character growth in any feature shows strong writing skills and the formation of a plot(Internet).

Another attraction of "Splinter," is the total lack of explanation for the antagonist/creature of the film. The lack of information about the animal that is terrorizing the characters adds to the overall mystique of the film. Where did this creature come from? What is it? These are questions that might pop up for some viewers, but only near the end does a person's curiousity see a little satisfaction.

Director Toby Wilkins "Splinter," generally uses one specific set, however this generates a feeling of excitement as the characters must band together to fight off the title creature. While some might say that the lack of set design or production creates a boring feature, the lack of unique environments focuses the film on character and story development, which is a definite plus (Internet).

Finally, "Splinter," is must see for fans of survivalist horror, or followers of low-budget independent films. "Splinter," is entertaining, thrilling, and overall an enjoyable experience. Although, some who are squeamish might find this film a turn off; many others will see "Splinter," for what it is; a creative, horror, thrill ride. Check it out!

Director: Toby Wilkins.

Rating: Restricted.

Release Date: October 31, 2008 (DVD Spring of 2009).

Awards: Best Directing, Best Editing, Best Make-up, Best Musical Score, Best Picture, Best Special Effects - Screamfest.

Have a look at one of the trailers for "Splinter," below:


Splinter Homepage

Splinter at Internet Movie Database