Thursday, January 12, 2017

Stake Land II aka Stakelander Invites You into a Dire Vampiric World One Week Earlier!

More details are emerging for the sequel Stake Land II. A trailer for this film was released in mid-December, when it was announced that the film would release on February 14th, via DVD and Blu-ray. Now, it has just been revealed that the film will be available through Video-on-demand, one week before this date. Written by Nick Damici, Stake Land II reteams Mister (Damici) and Martin (Connor Paolo) to fight a new foe. The film also stars: Laura Abramsen (Wolfcop, 2014), A.C. Peterson and Steven Williams. And, the film's alternate poster is hosted here, along with more VOD details.

From a longer synopsis, Martin finds himself alone, after the destruction of New Eden. The Brotherhood has a new vampiric leader and they are hunting Martin, across the apocalyptic wasteland. But, Martin has found Mister, a legendary vampire killer, and together they have a chance to rid this blood-thirsty plague, once and for all.

An alternate movie poster has been released for Stake Land II aka Stakelander; it can be found above. However, the official DVD artwork has already been released and it is available here: Stake Land II Official DVD Artwork. Both graphics show Martin, in a horrifying landscape.

Release Date: February 7th, 2017 (VOD) and February 14th (DVD, Blu-ray).

Directors: Dan Berk, Robert Olsen.

Writer: Nick Damici.

Cast: Connor Paolo, Nick Damici, Laura Abramsen.

The film's official trailer:

VOD platforms hosting the release include: iTunesMovies, Amazon Video, Google Play, VuDu, Vimeo, Xbox Entertainment and the PlayStation Network.

On Blu-ray:

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