Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mayhem is Promised in this Preview for V/H/S: VIRAL

V/H/S: Viral is the second sequel in this horror anthology series. V/H/S: Viral will debut at Fantastic Fest, along with many other films. The World Premiere takes place September 18th. This third film involves several stories, which take place around Los Angeles, including a marauding ice cream truck. V/H/S: Viral has a large cast which includes: Patrick Lawrie, Emmy Argo, Heather Hayes, Jessica Luza, John Curran and Justin Welborn. The film festival poster for the film is hosted here.

A few more story details are emerging for V/H/S: Viral. A police chase involving an ice cream truck leaves several innocents with road burn. Will this chase lead to another viral video? It will definitely lead to a huge body count.

The film's graphic for its World Debut features a skull and blood reds. This horrifying graphic promises "mayhem goes viral." So, it is likely that this latest film will host some handheld footage. You can ingest the mayhem in Austin, Texas, today.

Release Date: October 23, 2014 (Video-on-demand) and in theaters November 21, 2014.

Directors: Justin Benson, Gregg Bishop, Todd Lincoln, Aaron Moorhead, Marcel Sarmiento and Nacho Vigalondo.

Cast: Patrick Lawrie, Emmy Argo, Heather Hayes, Jessica Luza, John Curran, Justin Welborn, Mary Ralston, Michael Aaron Milligan, Gustavo Salmerón, Marian Álvarez, Xavi Daura, Esteban Navarro, Nick Blanco, Chase Newton, Shane Bradey, Jayden Robison.

A trailer for the film is available here:


VHS Viral at Magnet Releasing

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