Saturday, November 06, 2010

AFM 2010: Beware of the Evil that Lurks in Dark Woods

More great news continues to filter out of the American Film Market for all genres in film. The latest update takes the form of warning, with Jason Daly's film Beware cautioning audiences. This horror flick has just released the first poster and synopsis, which can be seen here. The story follows five teenagers into the woods and into the hands of a legendary killer. This film will be completed in 2011 through Joker Films. Check out all the available details on this film here.

The synopsis for Beware is here:

"The town of Shady Grove holds many dark secrets. Amongst those secrets is the sadistic tale of Shane, a boy who was tortured and chained to a tree as a youngster. Legend has it that for years he survived in the woods all alone until one day he managed to escape. Now, damaged and broken, he wanders those woods in search of blood, with his trademark chain fused to his wrist.

Despite years of tales and urban myths, no proof of his existence has ever been discovered, until five unsuspecting teens reveal the truth on an ill-fated trip" (AMC).

Completion Year: 2011.

Director: Jason Daly.

Writers: Jason Daly and Shawn Copenhaver.

Cast: Lorena King, Victor Gonzalez, Cecilia Heute, and Adam Leadbeater.

*No trailer available yet.

Beware at the AFM:

Beware at the AFM Film Catalogue

Beware at Joker Films:

Beware at Joker Films

The theme of a teenagers disappearing in the local woods is a common storyline in horror films, as seen here:

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