Monday, May 24, 2010

Several Horror Icons to Show at the Circus of Terror October 29, 2010

Here is looking ahead, to the 2010 Circus of Terror where several guests have already announced their attendance for the event. To show in New Orleans, the convention will host Doug Jones (Carnies), Ernie Hudson (A State of Hate), Camden Toy (The Godmother), Brooke Lewis (Kinky Killers), Kane Hodder (Frozen) and many others including several current or former professional wrestlers. This event begins October 29th and will take place over two days. The films to show have not been announced, but several more attendees can be found inside.

Others in attendance: Cliff Simon, Jay Acavone, Morgan Sheppard, Kevin Thorn Dawn Marie, Kevin Nash, Shelly Martinez, Raven, Daniel Emery Taylor, Jim O'Rear, Ari Lehman, Betsy Rue, and John Stanley.

More details on the Circus of Terror can be found at the fan site below:

Circus of Terror on FB

Or at the Circus of Terror event:

Circus of Terror Official Website

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