Friday, April 30, 2010

Salvage Washes up on DVD Shelves July 6th

Salvage is a United Kingdom horror film that was first reported here for the film's participation at the Edinburgh Film Festival (2009). Since then the film has shown at Fantasticfest, Frightfest and many other film festivals. A review on the movie news site 24Frames has described Salvage as "tense and terrifying low budget horror" and "true horror" (24Frames). On this reviewer's top ten wish list for 2009, Salvage appears to be intelligent action based horror. Have a look at the DVD extras for this film that releases July 6th, 2010 (DVD artwork left).

The synopsis for Salvage here:

"Christmas Eve, and the residents of a quiet British cul-de-sac are suddenly plunged into a world of violence, terror and paranoia when a group of heavily armed military personnel storm their road ordering them at gunpoint to retreat inside their homes.

Unsure if this is the sign of a terrorist attack, or something much worse, one local mother finds it in herself to desperately fight to save her estranged daughter stranded across the street. However, with growing dread, the residents soon discover that the threat is more monstrous than any of them could possibly imagine, and survival is no longer a guarantee" (Salvage).

Release Date: July 6th, 2010 (DVD, Blu-Ray unannounced).

Director: Lawrence Gough.

Cast: Neve McIntosh, Linzey Cocker, Shaun Dooley, Paul Opacic, Shahid Ahmed, Dean Andrews, Sifuian Ashraf, Ben Batt, Trevor Hancock, Kevin Harvey, Paul Howell, and Ray Nicholas.

One of two trailers available for Salvage here:

The extras on the DVD:

-Behind-the-scenes ‘Making of’
-Cast and Crew Interviews
-Commentary from Director Lawrence Gough, writer Colin O’Donell, associate producer Alan Pattison and star Shaun Dooley

More details at the film's homepage:

Salvage's Webpage


Salvage on Trailer Addict

Salvage Review at 24 Frames

Salvage's Second Trailer Here on 28DLA

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