Friday, November 06, 2009

Nightbeasts on Sci-Fi Radio November 14th

Wes Sullivan, the director of Nightbeasts, will be making an appearance on the Sci-Fi radio program Sci-Fi Overdrive next week. To talk frankly about the filmmaking process while offering some more details on Nightbeasts Wes will be on the program answering some of David Durica's hard-hitting questions. Check out the program next Saturday, November 14th and send some questions over to David about Nightbeasts or about horror filmmaking. The synopsis for Nightbeasts and the Sci-Fi Radio website are each listed below.

A short synopsis for Nightbeasts here (a plot summary coming shortly):

"A father and son on a weekend hunting trip encounter supernatural horror in the woods (IMDB).

Director: Wes Sullivan.

Writer: Wes Sullivan.

Cast: Robert Miano, Sonny Skyhawk, Billy Daydodge, and Donn Angelos

Check out the show on Sci-fi Radio here (David's e-mail listed at the bottom of the site):

Nightbeasts at Sci-Fi Radio

And visit Nightbeasts on Twitter:

Nightbeasts on Twitter

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